20 June 2024

Diverse Leaders in Tech announces new DEI in Tech European Benchmark Report 2024

Advanced AI Technology sets new standard for DEI efforts across European tech

Amsterdam, 20 June 2024 — Today, Diverse Leaders in Tech launches its new DEI in Tech European Benchmark Report. This benchmark report is the first of an annual series that provides insights into the state and progress of diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) in tech companies. European tech companies can use this benchmark to improve their DEI efforts in a data-driven way.

This year, the social impact venture Diverse Leaders in Tech developed a pioneering framework to assess the industry’s current state of DEI, enabling tech companies to generate AI-powered personalised reports. A total of 160 tech companies in Europe participated, ranging from start-ups to established firms.

The general benchmark report unveils critical trends within the industry and areas for improvement.

Key report findings:

Psychological safety: 91% of companies have established safe spaces for employee expression, with 87% promoting open communication.
Accountability gaps: Only 28% have systems in place to hold employees accountable for DEI behaviors.
● Strategic alignment: 53% do not have a DEI strategy, hindering alignment with
business goals.
Data utilisation: While 51% of companies collect demographic data (primarily on
gender), 63% do not analyse this data for career advancement.
Progress tracking: Only 10% of companies have concrete evidence of their progress towards DEI goals, highlighting a significant opportunity for growth.

The report underscores that while companies are making strides in raising awareness and prioritising psychological safety, there is an urgent need to enhance accountability mechanisms, strategically integrate DEI into business practices, and adopt evidence-based approaches to track progress.

AI-driven roadmaps

With the use of advanced AI technology, individual respondents are offered personalised roadmaps with tailored and actionable steps to enhance their DEI initiatives. Many companies struggle with transitioning from awareness to implementation. These reports are unique in addressing this challenge by providing personalised roadmaps, offering tailored, actionable steps to drive significant progress. Companies aiming to enhance their data-driven DEI efforts can access this DEI scan and receive a customised report at any time through DLIT.

“The release of this benchmark report comes at a pivotal moment for the European tech industry,” said Ingrid Tappin, founder and CEO of Diverse Leaders in Tech. “The general data underscores our assumption that leaders need help in moving beyond awareness. By leveraging advanced AI, we can now provide companies with the precise tools they need to accelerate their DEI efforts, catch up on their lag, and ensure DEI is deeply integrated into every aspect of business strategy.”

“The insights of this report will support the significant improvement of our DEI efforts. The AI-powered personalised roadmap provides clear, actionable steps that can help us move from awareness to practical application, ensuring our DEI initiatives are aligned with our business goals,” said Job van der Voort, founder and CEO, Remote.

This comprehensive report was developed in collaboration with esteemed partners including Booking.com, Taskforce D&I by NLdigital, Techleap, and the University of Amsterdam.

About Diverse Leaders in Tech

DLiT is a social impact venture spearheaded by Ingrid Tappin (Founder & CEO), Gillian Tans (Partner), and Techleap (Founding Member). The mission of DLIT is to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in the European tech industry through data-driven insights and cutting-edge technology.

Diverse Leaders in Tech

We equip and empower European tech companies to set the standard for DEI Excellence - at scale.

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Location: Amsterdam, NL

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